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Tillow (2021)

a film for music and dance




A new work for music and dance, Tillow was created in response to the cyclical patterns of nature. After the challenges of 2020, much of what we held onto was taken away, with the unnatural cycles and perhaps unhealthy habits forcibly broken. However, the Earth continued to turn, waves kept crashing onto shores, flowers bloomed and withered, the seasons continued to shift, and the Sun rose and set every day. Our new work will explore the artistic ideas of spirals, repetition, and cycles, all in relation to being outdoors in the woods.


tillow: to spread; branch out; send forth shoots.


Filmed and recorded in Scadbury Park, Chislehurst.


Composed by Clare Elton

Movement direction by Kasia Witek

Filmed and edited by Ruta Puzaite

Performers: Stella Papi & Elisa Vassena

Clarinet / Bass Clarinet improvisations: Heather Ryall

Violin improvisations: Sandy Thompson

Cello improvisations: Zosia Jagodzinska


This project is funded by Help Musicians (Fusion Fund), The Hinrichsen Foundation, and GEMMA Classical Music Trust.


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